Contact Us

We have 4 main offices to support our customers worldwide.

Biosci (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

555 Rasa Tower 2, Phaholyothin Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900

+66 (0)2 002 6278

VSN International Ltd.

2 Amberside House Wood Lane Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4TP UK.

+44(0)1442 450230

+44(0)8701 215653

VSN China Co., Ltd.

Room 512, 5 Floor, Newton’s Office, No.25, Landian factory south Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100097

010-62680244, 010-88400822

010-62680244, 010-88400822

Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP)

Apartado Postal 6-641
C. P. 06600, Mexico, D. F., MEXICO

+52 595 952-1900,
+52 555 804-2004

+52 55 5804-7558/ 7559