ASreml-R 培训在线注册报名



A 培训+3个月软件B 培训+1年软件C 老客户优惠






A 培训+3个月软件B 培训+1年软件C 老客户优惠





Genstat 高校授权计划

Genstat 高校授权计划介绍

鉴于目前国家对统计分析软件正版使用规范要求,为满足高等院校师生科研及统计教学需要,解决正版及专业统计软件应用难题,北京维斯恩思软件有限责任公司(VSNC)作为知名科研统计分析软件公司,将面向国内高校免费提供专业统计分析软件-Genstat EDU(Genstat 高校版)。

Genstat 高校授权计划提供Genstat EDU 版(Genstat高校版)用于高校教学及科研同时,会提供相应完备的技术支持,包括统计所需教材以及国内外培训、师生统计能力全球认证、SCI文章发表支持等一系列服务,为高校统计教师提供科学可靠软件教学便利,且能更有效帮助师生学生提高科研统计水平及实际数据分析应用的能力。

教师及学生也可通过访问 Genstat 在线学习平台、知识库、 Genstat 全球社区论坛进行共同交流学习,并获得中国高校和 Genstat 全球社区其他机构学术合作交流机会。

Genstat EDU 版本

Genstat 作为VSNi公司核心统计分析软件产品,于1968年起源于英国洛桑实验中心,根据国际最新的统计方法和技术开发出的综合统计分析软件,是一款科学可靠的软件工具。软件具有灵活而友好的交互界面、强大的分析功能,并可直接生成美观的图表,简单易学,能快速学习掌握,得到作物、动物、林木、生态、草业、植保、金融、资环、医学、食品等各个领域的关注和认可。50多年来,Genstat 软件已在世界院校及企业成功普及并得到广泛应用,目前用户已覆盖全球100余个国家,1300多家科研单位,其中国内用户已覆盖29个省市。

Genstat EDU 是Genstat 的简易版本,即高校教学及科研版,唯一区别是菜单界面中去掉了高校很少会用到的高级分析功能。该版本的菜单化界面,更加符合中国高校统计教学大纲要求,保留了本科统计教学、科研所需的必要功能,每个分析运行结果中含有较为详尽的统计学释义,非常适合统计教学中进行讲解及上机实操练习,且分析结果可直接应用到文章中,可完全满足高校师生日常的科研数据分析需要,是国际众知名期刊认可并推荐的科学可靠的科统计软件。

Genstat EDU的功能

Genstat EDU 建立在Genstat最新版(20版本)基础上,菜单界面功能包含高校教学、科研

所需的必要功能,同时,Genstat EDU 具有编程界面,高校师生通过简单编程便也可以实现Genstat全部高级分析功能。

  • 描述性统计
  • 统计检验
  • 统计分布、统计推断
  • 非参数检验
  • 拟合优度检验、计数资料的独立性检验
  • 试验设计与抽样调查
  • 方差分析、协方差分析
  • 一元回归和相关分析
  • 可直线化的非线性回归
  • 多元回归和相关分析
  • 主成分分析和因子分析
  • 混合模型(REML)
  • 多元分析
  • 生存分析
  • 判别分析
  • 聚类分析
  • 重复测量
  • 元分析
  • 遗传模型
  • 样本量估计


  • 高校可免费获得正版科学的数据分析软件,供师生科研及统计教学。
  • 提供丰富的教学、学习手册及数据案例,菜单界面,适用教学及科研应用。
  • 软件在国际文章发表中认可度高,具有专业性及科学性保障,适用于师生科研。
  • 完整的技术服务体系,在线学习、统计认证、学术交流等为教学及促进师生实际应用提供更多便利条件。
  • 起源于英国洛桑实验中心,具有悠久的历史和丰富的学术交流资源。


哪些教育院校可申请Genstat 高校授权?

  • 普通高等教育院校
  • 学校设有统计教学课程
  • 高校在校师生超过5000人




请联系我们获得更多Genstat EDU计划的内容,或者获得其他的产品或服务信息。

北京维斯恩思软件有限责任公司 (VSNC)










A 培训B 培训+认证C 培训+认证+数据分析服务1次











10月21-22日 试验设计及数据分析专场培训 在线注册报名















ASreml Summer School 培训资料申请


如果您对ASreml Summer School感兴趣,欢迎填写以下信息并提交:

ASreml Summer School 注册报名






ASreml Summer School




          ASreml是拟合线性混合模型的强大遗传数据分析软件,由NSW Department of Primary Industries(澳大利亚新南威尔士州第一产业部)的Arthur Gilmour博士开发。相比于其它软件,ASReml可利用灵活的混合线性模型和广义线性模型来处理大规模的数据,实现大数据高效、快速的分析。即便在群体规模大、群体结构复杂和观测数据不平衡的条件下,也可以获得较精确的育种值,在辅助科研人员在相关领域知名期刊发表了大量的文章。

        为了满足广大科研工作者对育种领域数据分析及ASreml专业高阶统计系统交流学习的需求,南京林业大学(ASreml科研、教学示范单位)与北京维斯恩思软件有限责任公司(VSNC)定于2017年7月24日—28日共同在南京举办“ASreml Summer School——关于遗传参数BLUP、GBLUP以及GS的高阶研讨会”。

         此次研讨会将邀请ASreml作者Arthur Gilmour博士、华南农业大学林元震博士与VSNC 数据分析技术总监邓飞作为讲师,共同探讨育种领域研究的统计分析方法及实际应用案例。欢迎动物、水产、林木、作物育种及统计分析科研人员参加!








NSW Department of Primary Industries                 Arthur Gilmour 教授

华南农业大学                                                                 林元震  副教授

VSNC                                                                               邓飞    技术总监





团体报名:3人及以上 同时报名优惠500元/人,5人及以上同时报名优惠1000元/人



开户名: 北京维斯恩思软件有限责任公司

开户行: 中国建设银行北京中关村分行

帐 号 : 1100 1007 3000 5301 7767



  • 在线注册报名
  • 下载附件三《报名回执表》发送


会务组:张娟(13121623804 ;010-88400822 ;010-62680244)
















育种信息化管理研讨会 在线注册报名







Registration for ASreml-R Training

ASreml-R Training



Please complete the boxes and click to submit

Registration for Genstat Training

Genstat Training



Please complete the boxes and click to submit


ASreml-R Standard Courses

Duration: 2 days. (3+3 hours per day)

Certification Exam (Option): 1 hour

Training methods: Formal lectures, asreml-r based practical sessions and group discussions

Standard courses contents:

  1. Linear mixed model theory
  2. Basic syntax for R and ASreml-R
  3. Simple univariate models
  4. Multivariate models
  5. Repeated Measures models
  6. Spatial analysis
  7. Animal model with genetics data
  8. Generalized linear mixed model

Apply for training

Genstat Standard Courses

Duration: 2 days. (3+3 hours per day)

Certification Exam (Option): 1 hour

Training methods: Formal lectures, GenStat based practical sessions and group discussions

Standard courses contents:

  1. Introduction, exploratory data analysis (EDA),
  • Navigating the Genstat system
  • Importing the manipulating data
  • Visualising data
  1. Basic concepts of statistical inference
  • T test (independend, paired)
  • Chi square Test
  • Pearson correlation or Spearman correlation
  • Non-parametric test
  1. Regression
  • Linear regression
  • Nonlinear models
  • Generalized linear models
  1. ANOVA and experiment design
  • One and two Way ANOVA
  • Blocking and Treatment Structure in experiment design
  • Design and sample size
  • Unbalanced ANOVA
  1. REML and multi-level models
  • Linear mixed models
  • Meta analysis
  • Spatial analysis
  • Repeated measurements
  1. Multivariate analysis
  • Principal components analysis
  • Canonical variates analysis
  • Cluster analysis
  1. QTL analysis
  • Single traits and trials QTL mapping analysis
  • Multiple trials and traits QTL mapping analysis

Apply for training


How to get License Details file.

How to get License Details file in Genstat®

1.Open Genstat® > Click Help > Click License Details…



2.  Then you will see the window below > Click Save…



3. Then click Save…



4. Then you will see a file GenstatLicenseDetails.txt
You will upload this file on the registration page:



How to get License Details file in ASreml®

1. Open ASreml® > Click Help > Click License Details…



2. Then you will see the window below > Click Save…



3. Then click Save



4. Then you will see a file ASRemlLicenseDetails.txt
You will upload this file on the registration page:



How to get License Details file in ASreml®-R
1. Open R >Click Packages>Click Load package…



2. Select asreml > Then click OK



3. Your license details will be shown at R console



4. Then click File>Click Save to File…



5. Save file as ASreml-r LicenseDetails.txt>Click Save



6. Then you will see a file ASreml-r LicenseDetails.txt
You will upload this file on the registration page:





Paid for software

End User License Agreement

VSN International Limited

End User Licence Agreement Purchased software

When you complete an Order Form and submit it to VSNi or a Reseller, you are offering to enter into a contract with VSN International Limited (“VSNi”) on the terms set out below.

Where you are named as the Licensee in the Order Form, the offer to enter into a contract with VSNi is made by you personally.

Where you submit the Order Form on behalf of a company or organisation and that company or organisation is named as the Licensee in the Order Form, that offer is made on behalf of that company or organisation and, by submitting that form to VSNi or a Reseller, you are confirming that that company or organisation agrees to the terms of this Agreement and that you have authority to agree to the terms of this Agreement and to enter into a contract with VSNi on behalf of that company or organisation.

In any case you are confirming that you agree to your personal data being used in accordance with VSNi’s Privacy Policy, a copy of which is available on VSNi’s web site.

Please read the terms of this Agreement carefully.  If you do not agree to them, you should not submit the Order Form or ask for a licence to use the Software.

After you have submitted the Order Form, VSNi or a Reseller will acknowledge its receipt by e-mail and will contact you to confirm the details on that form and the licence and another fees payable.  VSNi and its Resellers reserve the right to reject any Order Form and not issue a Licence Key, as they see fit, without giving any reason.

A contract between the Licensee and VSNi will come into existence when VSNi sends you or the Licensee a Licence Key allowing the Licensee to access and use the Software.

RIGHT TO CANCEL:  If you are a consumer, i.e. if you are submitting the Order Form for purposes outside your business, you would normally have a right to cancel under the Distance Selling Regulations within 7 clear business days after the contract is formed.  However, you agree that VSNi may provide you with a Licence Key within that period and that, if VSNi does so, you will not have that right to cancel.  Should you exercise any right to cancel you must immediately return the Software to VSNi or the Reseller and destroy all copies of it.

VSN International Limited is a company registered in England, under company number 4027977.  Its registered office is at 2 Amberside House, Wood Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 4TP. Its VAT number is 750 0348 63.  If you wish to contact VSNi about the Software or the terms of any licence of the Software, please e-mail us at, or visit our web site at for other contact details

1. Definitions

this Agreement means these terms and the Order Form, as amended from time to time in accordance with clause 11;

 a Certified Reseller means a person appointed by VSNi to sell licences of the Software and certified by VSNi as able to provide support and assistance to licensees to a standard specified by VSNi from time to time;

the Current Version means the last version of the Software released by VSNi to for use by licensees generally, and does not mean any beta test version of the Software or any version developed or modified to meet the requirements of one or more particular licensees;

the Documentation means the help facility included in the Software;

an Error means a material failure of the Software to provide the functions described in the Documentation;

Intellectual Property Rights means any patent, copyright, trade mark, trade name, service mark, registered design, design right (registered and unregistered), know-how, right of confidence, trade secret, right to extract or exploit data, database rights, any similar rights protected in any jurisdiction, whether now existing or coming into existence at some future date, any application for any of the above, and any accrued rights of action in respect of any of the above;

the Licensee means the Licensee named in the Order Form;

the Order Form means any online or hard copy form completed by the Licensee or its representative and submitted to VSNi or a Reseller for the purposes of obtaining a licence to use the Software and a licence key to operate the Software;

a Reseller means a person appointed by VSNi to negotiate with, and provide certain services to end users of the Software, and the Reseller means the particular Reseller through whom the Licensee has acquired its licence to use the Software;

the Software means the software (in object code) provided by VSNi to the Licensee, as modified and updated from time to time by the provisions of the Support Services (if any) provided to the Licensee;

the Start Date means the date on which VSNi or the Reseller provides the Licence Key to the Licensee;

the Support Services means the services described in clause 4.2;

You mean the person submitting the Order Form;

Working Hours means 9 am to 5 pm (London time) Mondays to Fridays, except bank, public or statutory holidays in England; and

Writing includes text stored and transmitted electronically.

2. Licence Restrictions

2.1     The Licensee may use the Software on the terms set out in this Agreement.  The licence is non-exclusive and non-transferable.

2.2         If a maximum number of workstations, or named users, or a maximum number of concurrent users, or one or more sites, or one or more machines, or a version of the Software, or the operating system are specified in the Order Form, the Software may only be used on up to that number of workstations, or by those named users, or up to that number of concurrent users at any one time, or at that site or those sites or on that machine or those machine, and where a version of the software or an operating system is specified in the Order Form, this Agreement permits the use of that version of the software and with that version of that operating system only.  If the Licensee wants to increase that number of workstations or the named users or the maximum number of concurrent users, or to change or add to the sites or the machines, or to use a different version of the Software, or to use the Software with a different operating system, it must obtain an additional licence or extension of this licence from VSNi or the Reseller.  Any additional licence or extension may be subject to the Licensee paying additional licence fees and, where applicable, additional support fees.

2.3         Unless the licence to use the Software is an annual licence, the licence is restricted to use of the version of the Software first supplied pursuant to this Agreement by VSNi or the Reseller, and the Licensee is not entitled to new versions of the Software.

2.4         If the Order Form states that the licence is granted for a fixed period, the licence will, unless terminated earlier, automatically expire at the end of that period.  If the Order Form states that the licence is an annual licence, it will automatically renew on each anniversary of the Start Date until it is terminated by VSNi or the Licensee giving the other at least 30 days’ notice of termination to expire on any anniversary of the Start Date.

2.5         Where the Licensee has acquired a licence that is restricted to use of the Software at one or more sites and the Licensee is entitled to Support Services, each named user or, where the licence is restricted to a maximum number of concurrent users, any user provided that number is not exceeded, may use the Software at his normal residential address for academic teaching or academic research.

2.6     The licence will begin on the Start Date and unless it is terminated under clause 2.4, 3.3 or 7.2.6, it will continue until the termination of this Agreement under clause 8.1.

2.7     Only the Licensee and its employees may use the Software and then only for the Licensee’s internal business or for academic teaching or academic research purposes.  The Licensee must not transfer the Software or share its use with anyone else.  Nor may the Licensee use it for anyone else’s benefit (including, without limitation, using it to provide bureau, outsourcing or application services or facilities management services).  The Licensee may not sub-license the use of the Software.

2.8     The Licensee may not copy the Software except to make a reasonable number of back-up copies, and a back-up copy may be used only by substituting it for the original copy of the Software supplied to the Licensee, for testing the Software and its integration with other applications, and for testing and implementing the Licensee’s disaster recovery or business contingency procedures.  The Licensee must keep each back-up copy in a secure place, in the Licensee’s possession, and under its control, at all times.

2.9     The Licensee must ensure that every copy of any of the Software bears the copyright and other proprietary notices on the original copy of the Software.  The Licensee must not remove, obliterate or modify any of those notices.

2.10    The Licensee may not modify the Software, or combine it with, or incorporate it in, any other software.  If anyone except VSNi, or its agent, modifies the Software, VSNi will be released from any obligation to provide any Support Services; and VSNi will be entitled to raise, and the Licensee will pay, VSNi’s additional charges for any services VSNi may provide in respect of the modified Software.

2.11    Except as permitted under the European Software Directive or any legislation implementing that Directive, the Licensee must not reverse engineer any of the Software to determine any design structure, concepts or methodology behind the Software, or to incorporate it in any other software or any product, or for any other purpose.

3. Testing

3.1     The Licensee will have 30 days following the Start Date to test the Software for Errors.  If the Licensee discovers an Error, it must notify VSNi of this before the end of that 30-day period, and give VSNi a reasonable opportunity to correct the Error, and to re-supply the corrected Software.  The Licensee will then have another 30-day period to repeat the Licensee’s tests on the Software.  If after a period of 90 days after the Start Date, VSNi has not been able to correct the Errors notified to it, the Licensee may, by giving VSNi notice, reject the Software.  If the Licensee rejects the Software, the licence fees paid by the Licensee under this Agreement will be refunded.

3.2     If the Licensee has not notified VSNi of any Error within the initial or (if applicable) any subsequent 30-day period, the Licensee will be deemed to have accepted the Software.  If the Licensee begins live or production use of the Software, that is if the Licensee uses it for any purpose except for testing it, the Licensee will be deemed to have accepted the Software.

3.3     VSNi’s refund of any licence fees under clause 3.1 will be in full and final settlement of any liability VSNi may have to the Licensee (under this Agreement or under any other agreement in connection with the licensing, supply, development, implementation, configuration, support or maintenance of the Software) and will automatically terminate the Licensee’s right to use the Software and this Agreement.

4. Support Services

4.1     If the Order Form states that Support Services will be provided then, for so long as the Licensee pays all support fees due to Biosci, Biosci or a Reseller will provide the Support Services until the expiry of not less than 30 days’ notice from Biosci or the Licensee to the other, to the effect that Support Services will no longer be supplied or be required, or (if earlier) the termination of this Agreement.  Any notice given under this clause must expire on an anniversary of the Start Date.

4.2     The Support Services are:

4.2.1   the provision during Working Hours of a help desk for the purpose of advising the Licensee in relation to problems encountered in using the Software;

4.2.2     the provision of any Error corrections to the Software issued by VSNi from time to time via its website;

4.2.3     the provision of any updates to the Software issued by VSNi to its licensees generally; and

4.2.4     the provision of a new licence key, free of additional charge, if the Licensee wishes to use the Software on a different machine from that for which it originally acquired the licence,

subject to any restrictions or limitations on the Support Services notified by VSNi or the Reseller to the Licensee from time to time.

4.3         If the Reseller is a Certified Reseller, the Reseller may, by special arrangement with the Licensee, provide a help desk outside Working Hours.

4.4         VSNi is not obliged to provide any statistical advice to the Licensee, but will try and provide that sort of advice if and when it can.  If it does so, the clauses in this Agreement limiting or excluding its liability will also apply to VSNi’s liability in connection with that advice.

4.5         VSNi may decline to provide assistance, under clause 4.2.1 or may charge the Licensee for providing that assistance, if the Licensee makes more than 3 calls to the helpdesk in any 3-month period, not taking into account calls to report any Error.

4.6         The Support Services are not provided for any version of the Software except the Current Version and the immediately preceding version of the Software.  If the Licensee requests support or assistance for any earlier version, and VSNi agrees to supply that support or assistance, the Licensee will pay for that support and assistance at VSNi’s rates in force at that time.

4.7         VSNi may decline to provide the Support Services in clause 4.2.1 to anyone except the End User’s technical contacts named on the Order Form and anyone that the End User notifies VSNi is replacing one of those contacts.

5. Charges

5.1     Subject to clause 5.2, the Licensee will pay VSNi or the Reseller licence fees for the Software calculated by reference to the details on the Order Form and VSNi’s or the Reseller’s rates and charges in force at the time the order for the Software is accepted by VSNi and if the Order Form states that Support Services are to be provided, the Licensee will pay VSNi or the Reseller support fees calculated by reference to the details in the Order Form and VSNi’s or the Reseller’s rates and charges in force at that date.

5.2     VSNi and Resellers may revise any annual licence fees and any support fees with effect from any anniversary of the Start Date by giving the Licensee not less than 30 days’ notice.  As from the expiry of that notice, the Licensee will pay VSNi or the Reseller those revised fees.

5.3     The Licensee will reimburse VSNi for all travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred by its employees or contractors in providing the Software or any services to the Licensee.

5.4     All fees and charges payable under this Agreement are exclusive of any value added, sales, customs duties or other taxes or duties on the supply to the Licensee and the export and import of any goods or services.  The Licensee will pay these in addition to the licence fees, support fees and other charges payable under this Agreement.

5.5     The Licensee will pay VSNi and the Reseller all fees and charges payable under this Agreement within 30 days after the date of VSNi’s or the Reseller’s invoice.  VSNi may, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, terminate this Agreement, or suspend work under it if, within 14 days after receiving written notice of the Licensee’s failure to pay in accordance with the terms of this clause, the Licensee still fails to make those payments in full.

5.6     The Licensee will pay VSNi or the Reseller, on demand, interest calculated on a daily basis on all sums not paid within 30 days after the date of VSNi’s or the Reseller’s invoice and the costs of recovery in accordance with the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.  The Licensee will also pay VSNi’s and any Reseller’s reasonable expenses (on an indemnity basis) in connection with the Licensee’s failure to pay any fees or charges when due, including (but not limited to) legal expenses and the costs of collection.

6. Warranties

6.1     VSNi warrants to the Licensee that VSNi is the owner of the Intellectual Property Rights in the Software or that it has the right to license the Licensee to use the Software.

6.2     VSNi warrants to the Licensee that the Software, as delivered by VSNi to the Licensee, will, for 90 days after the Start Date, function substantially in accordance with the Documentation when properly used on the equipment and operating system specified in the Order Form.

6.3     Provided the Licensee provides a copy of its data and anything else needed to reconstruct the problem, VSNi will investigate any purported breach of warranty reported by the Licensee in writing within the period specified in clause 6.2 and, where appropriate, VSNi or the Reseller will endeavour to correct any Error within a reasonable time, or to provide avoidance or remedial information, or VSNi or the Reseller will refund the licence fee paid by the Licensee for the Software.

6.4     Any refund of any licence fees under clause 6.3 will be in full and final settlement of any liability VSNi or the Reseller may have to the Licensee (under this Agreement or in any other way in connection with the licensing, supply, development, implementation, configuration, support or maintenance of the Software) and will automatically terminate the licence.

6.5     Neither VSNi nor any Reseller will be liable under any warranty or any other provision of this Agreement to the extent that any failure of the Software to comply with any warranty, or to the extent that any error, defect, bug or deficiency in the Software, or VSNi’s or any Reseller’s failure to correct or delay in correcting it, results from the Licensee not having complied with its obligations under this Agreement, or from any other act or omission on the Licensee’s part, or on the part of any third party.  In particular, VSNi and the Reseller will not be liable if any modification has been made to any of the Software by anyone except VSNi.

6.6     Neither VSNi nor the Reseller will be liable under any warranty or under any other provision of this Agreement to the extent that any loss or damage is caused by the Licensee’s failure to implement, or the Licensee’s delay in implementing, any upgrade, update, new release, revision, version or modification of the Software which would have remedied or mitigated the effects of any error, defect, bug or deficiency.

6.7     When notifying VSNi or the Reseller of an Error the Licensee must provide a documented example of it and all other information and materials needed to reproduce it including, without limitation, an example of where and when the Error occurred and a listing of the related input and output and a written explanation of the Error.

6.8         Because of the nature of software, VSNi does not warrant that the Software will be error free or that it will run without interruption, or that every error, defect, bug or deficiency can be or will be corrected.

6.9     VSNi warrants to the Licensee that VSNi will use reasonable skill and care in the performance of this Agreement.

6.10    The Licensee acknowledges that proper use of the Software is dependent on the Licensee and its staff exercising proper skill and care in inputting data into the Software and interpreting the output provided by the Software.  Neither VSNi nor the Reseller will be liable for the consequences of decisions taken by the Licensee on the basis of that output.

6.11    The express undertakings and warranties given by VSNi in this Agreement are in lieu of all warranties, conditions, terms, undertakings and obligations on the part of VSNi or the Reseller implied by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealing or in any other way.  All of these are, to the extent permitted by law, excluded.

6.12    The Licensee warrants that it has not been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representation or by any warranty (whether oral, or in writing) except those specifically set out in this Agreement as warranties.  The Licensee waives all claims for breach of any warranty and all claims for any misrepresentation, (negligent or of any other kind, unless made by VSNi or the Reseller fraudulently) which is not specifically set out in this Agreement as a warranty.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

7.1     The Licensee acknowledges that all Intellectual Property Rights in the Software, as between the Licensee and VSNi, are and will remain VSNi’s property or that of VSNi’s licensors and that VSNi may license others to use them.

7.2     Subject to clause 13 below, VSNi will indemnify the Licensee in respect of any damages and costs awarded against the Licensee by a court of competent jurisdiction on the grounds that the Software as VSNi supplied it to the Licensee infringes the copyright of any third party, provided that:

7.2.1   the Licensee immediately notifies VSNi of each and every claim that the Software infringes any Intellectual Property Rights;

7.2.2   the Licensee makes no admission or in any other way prejudices VSNi’s defence or settlement of any such claim;

7.2.3   the Licensee gives VSNi complete control of the defence and settlement of each claim and all reasonable assistance with its defence and settlement;

7.2.4   the claim does not arise out of the Licensee’s act or omission, or that of any third party, or any other circumstances outside VSNi’s control;

7.2.5   the Licensee takes all reasonable steps to minimise the damages and costs which the court might award against it or VSNi in relation to the Licensee’s use of the Software; and

7.2.6   VSNi may, at its option: modify the Software; or procure for the Licensee the right to continue to use the Software; or replace the Software; or terminate this Agreement and the licence and refund a proportion of the licence fees paid by the Licensee.  That proportion will be calculated on the basis that the licence fees are pro-rated evenly over 3 years (or if the licence fees are paid annually, 1 year) beginning on the Start Date (or in the case of annual licence fees, an anniversary of that date) and that the refund will reflect the proportion of that period left to run as at termination under this clause.

7.3     Clause 7.2 sets out all of VSNi’s liabilities and obligations and all of the Licensee’s remedies in relation to the Software infringing any Intellectual Property Rights and in relation to any breach of the warranty in clause 6.1.

8. Termination

8.1     Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately on giving notice in writing to the other if:

8.1.1   the other commits any material or persistent breach of this Agreement and (in the case of a breach which is capable of being remedied) it has failed to remedy it, within 30 days after receiving notice requiring it to remedy the breach.  (A persistent breach is one that occurs three or more times in any 12-month period.); or

8.1.2   the other has a receiver or administrative receiver appointed over it or over any part of its undertaking or assets, or it passes a resolution for winding-up (except for the purpose of a bona fide scheme of solvent amalgamation or reconstruction), or if a court of competent jurisdiction makes an order to that effect, or if it becomes subject to an administration order, or if it enters into any voluntary arrangement with its creditors, or if any similar process to any of the above is begun in any jurisdiction, or if it ceases or threatens to cease to carry on business.

8.2     VSNi may suspend its performance of this Agreement if any of the circumstances mentioned in clause 8.1 above arises in relation to the Licensee. That suspension will not prejudice VSNi’s right later to terminate this Agreement, either for the same or for a different reason.

8.3     On the termination of this Agreement (however it happens), the Licensee’s right to use the Software will immediately and automatically terminate, the Licensee will immediately return to VSNi or the Reseller all copies of the Software in the Licensee’s possession or control, the Licensee will immediately erase all copies of the Software from any computer system in its possession or control, and the Licensee will certify to VSNi or the Reseller in writing that this has been done.

8.4     Any termination of this Agreement (however it happens) will not affect any accrued rights or liabilities of either party, nor will it affect the coming into force or the continuance in force of any provision of this Agreement which is expressly, or by implication, intended to come into or to continue in force on or after termination.

8.5     On the termination of this Agreement the Licensee will immediately pay VSNi or the Reseller for all work done before termination and for all expenses VSNi has incurred or has agreed to incur in connection with any work done or to be done for the Licensee.

8.6     Clauses 3.3, 5.5, 5.6, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.8, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 7.1, 7.3, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 will survive the termination of this Agreement and continue indefinitely.

9. Confidentiality

9.1     VSNi will keep confidential, and not use for any purpose except providing the Software and services to the Licensee, any confidential information which the Licensee discloses to VSNi relating to the Licensee’s business or its clients and their affairs.

9.2     The Licensee will keep confidential, and not use for any purpose except exercising its rights under this Agreement, the Software, any information relating to the Software, and any information about VSNi’s business, its financial affairs, its methodologies, strategies, plans, technology or its clients.  The Licensee will notify VSNi immediately if the Licensee becomes aware of any unauthorised use of any of that information or of the Software by anyone.  The Licensee will allow VSNi at any time to check that the Licensee’s use of the Software is in accordance with this Agreement and, for that purpose, the Licensee irrevocably licenses VSNi, the Reseller, their respective employees and agents, to enter any of the Licensee’s premises.

9.3     The Licensee will not, without first obtaining VSNi’s written consent, disclose any of the Software or any information protected by clause 9.2 to anyone except:

9.3.1   the Licensee’s employees, and then only to those employees who need to know or to have access to them in order to use the Software in accordance with this Agreement; or

9.3.2   the Licensee’s auditors, HM Inspector of Taxes, HM Customs & Excise and any other person having a right, duty or obligation to know the Licensee’s business, but then only in pursuance of that right, duty or obligation.

9.4     The Licensee will ensure that the people mentioned in clause 9.3 are made aware, before the disclosure to them of any of the Software or any information protected by clause 9.2, that it is confidential and that they owe a duty of confidence to VSNi.  The Licensee will indemnify VSNi against all loss and damage which VSNi may sustain or incur as a result of the Licensee or its employees, or anyone who has access to any of the Software or any information protected by clause 9.2 through the Licensee failing to comply with the provisions of this clause 9.

9.5     The Licensee will immediately notify VSNi if the Licensee becomes aware of any breach of confidence by anyone to whom the Licensee discloses the Software or any of the information protected by clause 9.2, and the Licensee will give VSNi all assistance reasonably required by VSNi in connection with any action or proceedings which VSNi may institute against that person for breach of confidence.

9.6     The Licensee will affect and maintain adequate security measures to safeguard the Software and information protected by clause 9.2 from access or use by any unauthorised person, will retain them and all copies of them under the Licensee’s possession and control, will keep a full and accurate record of the Licensee’s copying and disclosure of them, and will produce that record to VSNi from time to time on demand.

9.7     The provisions of clauses 9.1 and 9.2 do not apply to any information which is in or comes into the public domain unless as a result of a breach of clause 9.1 or 9.2.

10. The Licensees Information and Facilities

The Licensee will provide VSNi and the Reseller, free of charge, with all information, materials, documentation, resources and facilities reasonably requested by either of them to enable VSNi and the Reseller to perform this Agreement.  The Licensee will ensure that its staff, contractors and other suppliers co-operate fully with VSNi and the Reseller and cause no delay.  Where VSNi or the Reseller requests the Licensee to provide information or to take a decision, the Licensee will do so promptly and so as not to cause any delay.

11. Entire Agreement & Amendments

This Agreement supersedes all earlier agreements, arrangements and understandings between the parties in respect of its subject matter, and constitutes the complete agreement between them relating to that subject matter.  No addition to, or modification of, any provision of this Agreement will be binding on either party unless recorded in writing and signed by a duly authorised representative of each of them.


All notices given by VSNi under this Agreement will be in writing and be sent to the contact address, e-mail address or fax number of the Licensee set out in the Order Form or any other address, e-mail address or fax number which the Licensee may designate by notice given to VSNi in accordance with this clause 12.  Any notice given by the Licensee under this Agreement must be in writing and sent to VSNi’s registered office, or contact e-mail address or fax number given in this Agreement, or any other address, e-mail address or fax number which VSNi may designate by notice given to the Licensee in accordance with this clause 12.  Any notice may be delivered personally, or by first class pre-paid letter, or by fax, or by e-mail and will be deemed to have been served: if by hand, when delivered; if by first class post, 48 hours after posting; if by fax, when despatched, provided the sender holds written confirmation automatically produced by the sender’s fax machine of error free and complete transmission of that fax to the intended recipient’s fax number, and if by e-mail, on that e-mail being accessible by the intended recipient.

13. Limitations and Exclusions of Liability

13.1    Subject to clause 13.5, VSNi’s and the Reseller’s aggregate total liability for all and any claims in connection with the Software and the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, whether in contract, or tort (including negligence) or arising in any other way, will not exceed the licence fees paid by the Licensee at the time the claim is made.

13.2    Despite anything else contained in this Agreement (except clause 13.5), neither VSNi nor the Reseller will be liable to the Licensee for any loss of profits, loss of savings, loss of use, loss of business, loss of opportunity, loss or spoiling of data, loss of contracts, in any case whether direct or indirect, or for any indirect or consequential loss, whether arising from negligence, or breach of contract, or in any other way, even if VSNi or the Reseller had been advised of, or knew of, the likelihood of that loss or type of loss arising.

13.3    Because of the uncertainty of future events and circumstances neither VSNi nor the Reseller guarantees that its forecasts, projections, advice, recommendations or the contents of any report, presentation or other document will be achievable, and the Licensee acknowledges that VSNi gives the same to address specific circumstances at the time.  All information which VSNi or the Reseller supplies is supplied in good faith, but the accuracy and completeness of any information obtained from, or based on, information obtained from the Licensee or any third party is not warranted by VSNi or the Reseller.  It is not within the scope of VSNi’s or the Reseller’s obligations to enquire as to, or to verify, the accuracy or completeness of that information.

13.4       The Licensee acknowledges that the above limitations of and exclusions on VSNi’s and the Reseller’s liability are reasonable in the light of VSNi’s insurance arrangements and that VSNi is willing to accept a higher limitation on its liability provided it is able to obtain full insurance cover for its liabilities and the Licensee pays the costs of obtaining and maintaining any increased cover.

13.5    Nothing in this Agreement limits or excludes VSNi’s or the Reseller’s liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for fraud, or affects any of the Licensee’s statutory rights as a consumer.

13.6    The Software has been developed for use with the operating system specified in the Order Form.  Neither VSNi nor the Reseller will be liable for any failure to operate with any other operating system or for any degradation in performance or reduction in functionality caused by the use of the Software with any other operating system.

14. Delays

14.1    Despite anything else contained in this Agreement, neither VSNi nor the Reseller will be liable for any delay in performing or failure to perform its obligations caused by circumstances beyond its control (including, without limitation, any act or omission on the Licensee’s part or on the part of any third party, and any bug, defect, error, fault or deficiency in any software or data not provided by VSNi or developed by or on behalf of the Licensee, or in any equipment), and VSNi and the Reseller will be granted a reasonable extension of time for the performance of its obligations.

14.2    VSNi will endeavour to comply with any timetable, project plan or dates which it has given to the Licensee for the performance of this Agreement but they are estimates only, and VSNi will not be liable for any delay or failure to supply or perform in accordance with that timetable or project plan, or those dates.

15. Assignment

The Licensee may not assign, or transfer, or sub-contract this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations under it, whether in whole or in part, without first obtaining VSNi’s written consent.

16. Severability

If any part of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement will not be affected.

17. Waiver

No forbearance or delay by either party in enforcing its rights will prejudice or restrict those rights.  No waiver of any right will operate as a waiver of any later right or breach.  No right, power or remedy conferred on, or reserved to, either party is exclusive of any other right, power or remedy available to it, and each of those rights, powers, and remedies is cumulative.


The headings in this Agreement are solely for convenience; they do not affect its interpretation, construction or terms.

19. Law

This Agreement and its validity are governed by, and this Agreement is to be construed in accordance with, the laws of England.  The Licensee agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts or any other courts of VSNi’s choosing.  Where the Licensee is outside the jurisdiction of the English Courts, the Licensee’s address for service in England is set out in the Order Form.

20. Partnership and Third Parties

20.1    Nothing in this Agreement creates, evidences or implies any partnership or joint venture between the parties, or the relationship between them of principal and agent.  Any Reseller is acting as principal and not as VSNi’s agent.

20.2    The Reseller is entitled to the benefit of the disclaimers and limitations and exclusions on its liability contained in this Agreement.  Subject to that, no third party is entitled to the benefit of this Agreement under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise.




Terms and Conditions (Registration)

Welcome to the registration to Biosci (Thailand) Co., Ltd website and its related services. Please find below our terms and conditions for use of the website, which you may access in several ways, including but not limited to the World Wide Web and RSS feeds. These terms and conditions apply whenever you access the website, on whatever device.

By using the website, you are deemed to have accepted these conditions.

Some areas of may require registration or subscription. By completing the initial registration form and by entering your email address and password, together with any other requested information, also there will be some area that only our customer can have the access and will require individual’s license details, you will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. Also, by subscribing to any of our email services, you are deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. If you register or subscribe with, you should read our privacy policy .

If you have registered with us or subscribed for our email services and subsequently change your details, you should immediately notify us of any changes by emailing us at

Any changes we make to the terms and conditions will be reflected on this page.

  1. 1. Registration and Subscription

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We allow you access to the registered user premium content and subscription areas of the website on the basis that:

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  1. 2. Termination of registration and subscription

If we wish to bring the agreement to an end, we will do so by emailing you at the address you have registered stating that the agreement has terminated. The agreement will terminate and your email address and password will become invalid on immediately.

You can also terminate this agreement and your account at any time by emailing your notice to us at but your information may remain stored in archive on our servers even after the deletion or the termination of your account.

  1. 3. Use of material appearing on

For the purposes of these agreement, “material” means material including, without limitation, text, video, graphics, photographs and sound material, published on the website, whether copyright of Intellectual Biosci(Thailand)Co, Ltd or a third party.

You may download and print extracts from the material and make copies of these for your own personal and non-commercial use only. You are not allowed to download or print the material, or extracts from it, in a systematic or regular manner or otherwise so as to create a database in electronic or paper form comprising all or part of the material appearing on

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We may be prepared to allow you to distribute or reproduce other parts of or the material in certain circumstances. Please email us if you wish to apply for permission to do so.

  1. 4. Disclaimer of liability

To the extent permitted at law, we do not accept any responsibility for any statement in the material. You must not rely on any statement we have published on without first taking specialist professional advice. Nothing in the material is provided for any specific purpose or at the request of any particular person.

For the avoidance of confusion, we will not be liable for any loss caused as a result of your doing, or not doing, anything as a result of viewing, reading or listening to the material or any part of it (except for death or personal injury attributable to our negligence and to the extent permitted at law).

There are links on website to third party web sites which biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd has no control over. Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd accepts no responsibility or liability for any third party practices on third party websites.

We give no warranties of any kind concerning or the material. In particular, we do not warrant that or any of its contents is virus free. You must take your own precautions in this respect as we accept no responsibility for any infection by virus or other contamination or by anything which has destructive properties.

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Publication of any material you submit to us will be at our sole discretion and you are granting us a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or otherwise use the graphic material in any way and at any time we want on the website. Selected graphical material may be published at the discretion of Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd and you will not be paid, even if your graphic material is published.

We reserve the right to make additions or deletions to the graphics material prior to publication, or to refuse publication. We may cut, edit, crop or arrange the graphic material as we think fit to appear on the website, and we may remove the graphic material at any time.

Your name will be published alongside your graphic material, but we may edit or delete any comments which you submit along with your graphic material.

IMPORTANT: You or the owner of the graphic material still own the copyright in the graphic material sent to us and are free to republish the graphic material wherever you or the owner wish and in whatever medium you or the owner want.

(iii) You warrant to us that any material you submit to us is your own original work and that you own the copyright and any other relevant rights

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(vii) we reserve the right to remove your access to individual services completely if we believe you are abusing the services in any way.

You will be deemed to consent to these terms and conditions if you choose to post any material, content or comments to the website.


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Users of our website may from time to time submit text or sound material for publication in areas of the website.

If you want to submit text or sound material to us for publication on, you may do so on the following terms and conditions:

(i) publication of any material you submit to us will be at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to make additions or deletions to the material prior to publication, or to refuse publication

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(iii) you warrant to us that any material you submit to us is your own original work and that you own the copyright and any other relevant rights

(iv) you warrant that the material you submit is not obscene, offensive, defamatory of any person or otherwise illegal

(v) you agree not to post material which is deliberately intended to upset other users

(vi) you acknowledge that any breach of these warranties may cause us damage or loss and you agree to indemnify us in full and permanently against any third party liabilities, claims, costs, loss or damage we incur as a result of publishing material you submit to us, including consequential losses.

(vii) we reserve the right to remove your access to individual services completely if we believe you are abusing the services in any way.

You will be deemed to consent to these terms of service if you choose to post any material, content or comments to the website.

  1. 8. Data protection

Please see our privacy policy  for details of how personal data may be stored and processed.

  1. 9. Variations

These terms may be varied from time to time. Please ensure that you review these terms and conditions regularly as you will be deemed to have accepted a variation if you continue to use the website after it has been posted.

  1. 10. Force majeure

Although we will do our best to provide constant, uninterrupted access to, we do not guarantee this. We accept no responsibility or liability for any interruption or delay.

  1. 11. Governing law & jurisdiction

These terms of services are governed by the Laws of Thailand and all of the relevant parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Thailand.

Term of Use

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Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd may change these terms at any time by posting changes online. Please review these terms regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes made by the Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. Your continued use of after changes are posted means you agree to be legally bound by these terms as updated and/or amended.
Use of

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You agree to use only for lawful purposes, and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit anyone else’s use and enjoyment of
Disclaimers and limitation of liability content, including the information, names, images, pictures, logos and icons regarding or relating to Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd., its products and services (or to third party products and services), is provided “AS IS” and on an “IS AVAILABLE” basis without any representations or any kind of warranty made (whether express or implied by law) to the extent permitted by law, including the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security and accuracy.

Under no circumstances will Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. be liable for any of the following losses or damage (whether such losses where foreseen, foreseeable, known or otherwise): (a) loss of data; (b) loss of revenue or anticipated profits; (c) loss of business; (d) loss of opportunity; (e) loss of goodwill or injury to reputation; (f) losses suffered by third parties; or (g) any indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages arising from the use of Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. regardless of the form of action.

Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. does not warrant that functions contained in Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. content will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs.
Intellectual property

The names, images and logos identifying Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. or third parties and their products and services are subject to copyright, design rights and trademarks of Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. and/or third parties. Nothing contained in these terms shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppel or otherwise any license or right to use any trademark, patent, design right or copyright of Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd., or any other third party.
Contributions to

Where you are invited to submit any contribution to (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting your contribution, to grant Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licensable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public, and exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to your contribution worldwide and/or to incorporate your contribution in other works in any media now known or later developed for the full term of any rights that may exist in your contribution, and in accordance with privacy restrictions set out in Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd.’s Privacy Policy. If you do not want to grant to Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. the rights set out above, please do not submit your contribution to

Further to paragraph 9, by submitting your contribution to, you:

10.1 warrant that your contribution;

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10.2 indemnify Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd. as a result of your breach of the above warranty; and

10.3 waive any moral rights in your contribution for the purposes of its submission to and publication on and the purposes specified above.


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These terms shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Thailand.

If in doubt about any legal issue regarding our site, please contact us first.


Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd.

131 Thailand Science Park, Innovation Cluster 1 Building,
Suite no. INC1-214, 2nd Floor, Moo 9, Paholyothin Road,
Klong Neung Sub-District, Klong Luang District, Pathumthani 12120

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Privacy Policy


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What personal data do we collect?

We log your Internet Protocol (IP) address in order to receive and send information from and to you over the internet. When you make an enquiry, or order products or services from us, you may be asked to provide some personal data such as your name, home, business or billing address, telephone number, e-mail address, and credit or debit card number.

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We also automatically collect data about visitors to our website (for example on browsing patterns) by using Cookies. (See below.)

We log your Internet Protocol (IP) address in order to receive and send information from and to you over the internet.


A cookie is a small piece of data or message that is sent from a web server to your browser and is stored on your hard drive. A cookie can’t read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Cookies do not damage your system. You can reset your browser so as to refuse any cookie or to alert you to when a cookie is being sent.

If you choose not to accept our cookies, some of the features of our site may not work as well as we intend.

We use cookies for the purposes of system administration of our website, to give us information about the number of visitors to different parts of our website, and to enhance your visit to our site.

How do we use your personal data?

We use your personal data to provide goods and services to you or your organisation, to let you know about other goods and services in which you may be interested, to inform you about changes and improvements to our website, and for direct marketing purposes (but we do give you the option to opt out of this). We may also use your personal data to monitor the use of the site, to record traffic flows and to carry out research about our visitors’ and customers’ demographics, interests and behaviour. We do this to understand our visitors, customers and potential customers better.

When you give us personal data, those data may be sent electronically to servers anywhere in the world and may be used, stored and processed anywhere in the world, including others countries than Thailand.

Whenever and wherever we collect, process or use personal data, we take steps to ensure that it is treated securely and in accordance with our privacy policy.

To whom might we disclose your personal data?

We may pass your personal data to anyone who needs those data in order to fulfil your requests for our goods and services, or to validate any payment details you give to us. Some of these people may be located outside of Thailand. We may pass your personal data to our group or associated companies and to our data processors. Some of these may be located outside of Thailand.

We may also provide your personal data to businesses (which may or may not be companies in our group) which may be located outside of Thailand and who may use the data to send you information about other products or services. However, you may opt-out of your personal data being used in this way.

We may also provide your personal data to anyone who buys our business or business assets.

Except as set out above, we will not disclose your personal information unless we are obliged to do so or allowed to do so by law, or where we need to do so in order to run our business (for instance where we outsource services or other people process data for us).

Direct Marketing

We may contact you by e-mail to market our goods and services, but you may at any time request us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes. If you wish to do this, please contact at support (Link to or by using any of the contact details found in this Policy or in other sections of this web site.


Our website contains links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. We encourage our visitors to be aware when they leave our website, and to read the privacy policy of other sites that collect or use personal data. This privacy policy applies only to personal data collected by Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd


Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet or any other network can be guaranteed as 100% secure, but we take appropriate steps to try to protect the security of your personal data.


This is the website of Biosci(Thailand)Co., Ltd, a company registered in Thailand, under number 0135559004846. You can contact us by writing to us at our principal business and registered address 131 Thailand Science Park, Innovation Cluster 1 Building, Suite no. INC1-214, 2nd Floor, Moo 9, Paholyothin Road, Klong Neung Sub-District,
Klong Luang District, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand.

Individuals have certain rights of access to their personal data. If you want to request any information about your personal data, please contact us at the above address. You can also contact us using the e-mail address(es) at and/or telephone and fax numbers at +66(0)2564-7757.

Inaccuracies and Corrections

We would like to keep your personal data accurate and up to date. If you become aware of any errors or inaccuracies, please let us know by contacting support (Link to